New Year, New Goals.

Happy New Year! It’s officially a new month, a new year and a new decade.

Perhaps you spent some time over the holidays recapping your last year and looking towards this next year as you set goals and develop metrics to achieve them.

Or, perhaps you’ve skipped over that entire process because it seems excessively overwhelming to set a goal that you know you’ll fail or forget come the 17th of January; did you know that statistically most people drop their New Year’s goals by day 17?

Whatever camp you fall into, we think looking back on the past year, celebrating your wins and evaluating the places where you can grow is a process that doesn’t have to happen every January 1st rather it is a good practice at any point during the year to continue to grow and work towards your goals both personally and professionally.

But since it is a new year and a new decade, we thought it was appropriate to share our four favorite tips to set realistic and helpful professional goals for this year.

  1. Look back. What are you most proud of from your career in the past year? What projects did you work on that you enjoyed? Contrarily, what were areas that you know you can grow in? What are areas or topics that sparked interest in you to learn more or do better in your work?
  2. Ask for feedback. Look to trusted peers or your supervisor -if applicable- and ask for their feedback on your past year professionally such as: what are some areas that they saw you grow and what are some areas that they believe you could grow in this year? Where did they see your passions? Maybe it was a project you’re on, or a team that you are a part of. Or, maybe you’ve headed the diversity board or set up a green team for your office. Feedback from others will give you a point of view that you may not have seen otherwise.
  3. Be realistic. Set yourself up for success. If you want to make a goal of completely changing industries, from working as an engineer to becoming a graphic designer, know that the change won’t come overnight. Make your goals realistic to your lifestyle, your needs and your current situation. Then, little by little, start chipping off small goals that will get you towards that change.
  4. Be accountable. Don’t take for granted the power of accountability. Find someone you trust to hold you accountable to your goals and the timelines you set for yourself. Whether your goal is major, like changing jobs or working towards a promotion, or something smaller like getting to know your coworkers better, telling someone else these goals will not only help you stay on track but you might inspire someone else in the meantime too!

If one of your goals this year is to get closer to your dream job, or just find a different job we’d love to help you. With Branches throughout Washington, Oregon and in California and as we celebrate 35 years in business, we know a thing or two about staffing. Contact us here to connect to a recruiter today!

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