Best Practices for Working Virtually

Working virtually in 2020? You’re certainly not alone. If you are new to navigating remote work, or perhaps would like to brush up on your virtual office practices, here are a few tips to get you started.

Understand Your Virtual Meeting Platform

There are a variety of virtual platforms that companies are using to connect their remote workforces. If your team has recently gone remote, or if you are invited to a virtual interview, take time to really understand the platform. Learning the ins and outs will allow you to navigate your calls efficiently and effectively.

Test Your Internet Connection Before Your Meeting

Prior to taking a call make sure you have tested out your Internet connection (ethernet is better than Wi-Fi), your camera and microphone, and battery (if you’re using a laptop), so that you are ready and able to focus on your meeting. If your connection is unstable and you can’t fix it, share your issue before your meeting starts. Chances are you’ll encounter empathy on the other end of the line.

Create a Distraction-Free Workplace

Pick a workspace that doesn’t have a lot going on in the background to help keep you focused and on task. If there are others home in your household during your working hours, find a room or space that doesn’t have a view of people in the background. Many video conference platforms include the ability to set a virtual background for yourself. That can help reduce any environmental distractions that can’t be avoided.

Consider Home Office Ergonomics

Your desk at work may be optimized ergonomically, but your new home office may not be. Set up your workspace to best fit your ergonomic needs. Have easy access to tools you frequently use, like pen and paper, sticky notes, daily task list, etc. Consider purchasing a dedicated office chair that was designed for all-day comfort.

Remember to Give Yourself a Break

When working from home it can be easy to forget to give yourself a break. Make sure you are taking time to go for a walk, stretch and take your eyes off of the screen. Doing so is important to your mental and physical well-being and will help reduce burn-out.

Regardless of your current or new virtual work situation, continue to put your best foot forward. If you are interested in additional resources read our blog posts regarding your job search, how to stand out as a candidate or how to be most efficient in your workday. And as always, contact us to learn more about our opportunities today!

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