Lead Your Team With a Positive Outlook
A leader’s attitude is contagious, whether good or bad. Your team will follow your lead and while it is important to be realistic, you can be both positive and realistic. Keeping upbeat is important in the everyday tasks but can also make or break a major project. When you’re a positive leader, your team will feel that can-do attitude.
Positive, Not Naïve
Sometimes leaders think being positive makes them appear weak and naïve as if they don’t realize the hardships and challenges their team is facing. In reality, a positive attitude shows confidence that its team can accomplish their goals and be successful. Take a pragmatic approach to a challenge, paired with a positive attitude and your team will likely respond with more enthusiasm.
Positive and Productive
Unhappy team members don’t want to work hard. They feel as though their efforts are in vain, and why work hard for a leader who doesn’t believe in them. A positive leader can change the mood of their team with encouraging words and actions, such as stepping in to help, publicly praising team members and even helping to find more efficient methods. When you have a positive mindset, you will feel motivated to try new things, work harder and achieve success. Failure won’t be an option.
Positive and Enthusiastic
Would your team describe you as enthusiastic? No, not like a high school cheerleader at a Friday night football game, but someone who does everything in their power to help their team succeed. Are you their biggest fan, their biggest advocate, their biggest support system? Your enthusiasm for work, the company culture and even individual team members will show you support without any words or any extra funding.
Positive and Proactive
What if your team took initiative and was proactive on a regular basis? What if your team was responsible for making great strides in their field and within the company? As their leader, you would get a lot of the credit and if you have a positive attitude, you better believe your team will push forward with new ideas. They know you will be positive about their ideas, and whether the ideas are implemented or not, they are given credit for their thought process and strategy. You can be positive about the initiative even if the idea isn’t that strong and you’ll see your team collaborate and keep bringing you great ideas that are usable.
Your team depends on you for leadership. Be positive and watch it trickle down to each employee. It will soon become normal for that positive attitude to be present rather than complaining. For more information on how to lead your team better, read more of our blogs and reach out to us at NW Staffing. With locations in Portland, Clackamas, Beaverton, Everett, and Vancouver, our skilled recruiters are ready to help you make your workplace the best it can be! Call NW Staffing today.