New Year, New Career

Embarking on a new career journey can be both exciting and challenging. To help you navigate this process successfully, NW Staffing Resources has compiled a list of top tips for the new year. Whether you are actively job hunting or preparing for interviews, these tips will provide valuable insights to prepare you for whatever stage you’re entering the workforce.
Advice for job hunting
Job hunting can often feel overwhelming, but with the right approach and resources at your disposal, it can become a more streamlined process. NW Staffing Resources advises these tips when beginning the job hunt-
- Begin with a polished online presence with LinkedIn and other online professional networking resources.
- Work with recruiters to update your resume, keeping in mind that when applying you will be bringing out your relevant qualifications for the role you’re seeking.
- Have a strategic approach, blindly applying to positions can cause burn out. Customize your search with filters and key words to avoid irrelevant job postings.
- Take breaks! Job hunting can be difficult but remember to give yourself grace and take breaks. Set a goal for how many roles you’ll apply to then reward yourself with chocolate, a coffee, or a funny internet video.
Preparing for an interview
When it comes to interview preparation, your mind can be swirling with excitement and nerves but here are a few tips to help guide and prepare you for your interview.
- Research the company! Now you may have already done this before applying and during your job hunt phase but go a step further and research the person who you will be interviewed by.
- Once you research the company and their values, come up with some follow up or clarifying questions. This shows that you have done your homework and that you’re deeply interested in the company and its values and not just the role.
- Practice your interview answers. There are many valuable interview questions that you can look up online or ask a NW Staffing Recruiter if there are any questions to get your juices flowing. Be sure to have clear examples of your work, difficult work situations you’ve overcome, and accomplishments you’re most proud of.
- Tech check! If your interview is conducted online make sure you have tested your computer, connection, and other equipment prior to the interview. If your interview is in-person, take the time to get there early and make sure you know where you can park and where you’re going.
Advice for starting a new job/interview follow up
Following up after an interview is often overlooked but can make a lasting impression on potential employers. Here are a few ways to leave a positive lasting impression.
- Sending a personalized thank-you note or email expressing gratitude for the opportunity to interview demonstrates professionalism and enthusiasm for the role.
- Follow up if you haven’t heard back from the NW Staffing Recruiters a week after your interview. Keep in mind that some companies may take time to do their due diligence with the team and a hiring decision may not be made quickly. Stay positive and don’t take it personally as tough as it may be.
- If you don’t end up getting the position, take a moment to process before responding to your contact. There are a myriad of reasons you may not have been chosen but take this as a learning opportunity and ask for feedback.
- Nurture yourself! Make this a priority throughout the process. Be kind to yourself, believe in yourself, and take it all in stride. Take breaks throughout and practice self-care.
- Once you have successfully landed a new job, it is essential to make a positive impression from day one. Arriving prepared on your first day shows dedication and eagerness to contribute effectively. Take time to familiarize yourself with company policies and procedures while building relationships with colleagues.
Other important topics/advice
Once you’ve landed the job here are a few tips on how to set yourself up for success in your new role!
- Set up regular meetings with your manager to form goals and to stay in touch about performance and future.
- Become part of the company culture! It can be very rewarding to connect with new colleagues and build those relationships.
- Refrain from speaking negatively about a previous job. Negative experiences may be part of your work history but it may be seen in a bad light if you speak ill of a previous employer and it may leave your current company wondering, what do they really think of this company?
By following these top tips from NW Staffing Resources for the new year ahead, you will be well-equipped to navigate the job market successfully while setting yourself up for long-term career growth and satisfaction.
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