Tips to Accelerate Your Job Search
Have you decided to search for a new job? Maybe you need more of a challenge, want to expand your career path or just want a change. Don’t let the excitement of new possibilities and great opportunities be diminished by a long, drawn-out search. Use some of these tips to accelerate your job search and maintain your motivation. After all, employers love to see excited future employees!
1. Update your resume.
Does your resume have all the new skills and important projects you’ve completed most recently? You might have your most recent employment list but what about everything you’ve learned and how you’ve grown as a person in your job field. Consider having a professional company view your resume to give you tips and ideas on how to make it stand out.
2. Prepare references.
Just because you used them to land your last position, doesn’t mean they will be available again. Touch base with your references, gather their recent contact info and let them know you might be needing their help again. When the time comes, let them know you’re happy to reciprocate.
3. Read job descriptions thoroughly.
You’ll waste more time and energy applying for jobs for which you are not qualified. From start to finish, the job description can give you information that will help you determine whether or not to apply. Pay attention to the fine print and don’t apply if you aren’t qualified.
4. Tailor your resume and cover letter for the job to which you are applying.
Sending out your resume to every job that sounds even a tiny bit interesting may seem like a good idea and it can work for some; but if you’re looking for that “just right” job, personalize your application. Take to heart what they are requesting in the job description and write a cover letter describing how you will tackle that need.
5. Connect with the company on social media.
Use your professional profile to get to know the hiring companies, their managers, their people, and their ideals. Not only will this help you when looking at their open positions, but when the time comes for an in-person interview, you’ll already have some of the legwork done. During the hiring process, the interviewer might try to look you up and when they see you’re already following them, it appears you’re already interested in the company and connected.
The job search can feel like it will never end but don’t lose heart. Keep applying, try to stay positive, and continue to develop your professional and personal skills.