What to Expect on Your First Day
Starting a new job is always a bit daunting, but a temporary position can feel even more nerve-wracking. Don’t let it get to you! NW Staffing has your back with great advice for your first day:
Pay attention to confirmation emails
Congrats on landing your new gig! In a lot of ways, your job starts before you even get to the work site. NW Staffing recruiters always send confirmation emails with important things like your schedule, job location, and your supervisor’s name. But you might also learn that the building requires an access code, or you need to report to a side entrance. Read carefully! If something isn’t clear, be sure to contact your recruiter.
Be prepared
Don’t leave the details until last minute. With technology these days, it’s easy to map out your job location and plan your easiest route. Is there parking available? Where’s the nearest bus stop? How much will traffic affect your commute time? Make a morning plan for your first day, and be sure to leave plenty of time for surprises.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Depending on the assignment, a few introductions and a quick overview of tasks might be the extent of your training. But what happens if you get a confusing phone call, or the file you’re assigned to work on is missing? Sure, your temporary co-workers might look busy, but don’t let that deter you from asking questions. Chances are, they’ll be happy to help keep you on track.
Be ready to be flexible
Show up ready to work on your first day, but be willing to roll with the punches. The IT team might still be scrambling to set up your computer, or maybe the supervisor is waiting on your access badge to arrive. Be patient and flexible. We’re all human, even hiring managers and department heads. As the day goes on, things will fall into place.
Check in with your agency
Remember, NW Staffing is here for you! If you’re feeling confused, uncertain, or uncomfortable, never hesitate to call. Was your first day the absolute best? Shoot us an email to keep us updated. We’re grateful for feedback, and always happy to help!

NW Staffing recruiters are your professional partners in a successful job hunt! With locations in Portland, Clackamas, Beaverton, Everett, and Vancouver, they know the ins and outs of your local job market. We’ll help you tailor your resume, nail your interview, and land the job. If you’re ready for something new, call NW Staffing Resources today.